Dec 24, 2012 | scobean | 749 views
Successful End to Regular Season Play
The Walkerton Legion Peewee Rep boys had a successful regular season and ended with a bang, winning their final 4 games including an exhibition game against Hanover.
The final winning streak began with a 4-2 home win against Saugeen Shores on December 5th. The game was scoreless after the 1st period when Saugeen Shores struck first. Drew Cobean tied the game at 1, assisted by Scott Eddyvean and Hunter Zettler. Nick Fairminer had a pair of goals and Dakota Weiler also had a single and an assist. Cobean added two assists, Ryan Girdler, Austin Kelly, Evan Visser and Brenden Hinds each assisted in the victory.
Goalkeeper Christian Kieffer showed his quick glove efforts in a December 7th visit to the Mitchell Meteors with a 6-3 victory on the road. Noah Leslie scored twice with an assist. Single markers were earned by Scott Eddyvean, Nick Fairminer, and Tristan Zettel.
The final game of regular season play was a visit from the Listowel Cyclones on December 12th. End to end play throughout the entire game, but Evan Visser on a pass from Leslie and Eddyvean, with less than 4 minutes left in the game, gave Walkerton the lead. Tight defensive play from Curtis Al, Sam Young, Ryan Girdler and Hunter Zettler preserved the win. Curtis Al also scored, as did Leslie and Weiler in the 4-3 victory.
To celebrate the holiday season Walkerton wrapped up another win in an exhibition game against neighbouring Hanover on December 19th. As always a very close match up between these two teams with great goaltending at both ends. Scoring for Walkerton - Tristan Zettel, Noah Leslie, Austin Kelly and Evan Visser.
Happy Holidays from the Legion Peewee Rep Boys!!!