Feb 15, 2010 | bcobean | 699 views
Walkerton's Prestige Contracting Atoms Bring Home the Silver
The Walkerton Prestige Contracting Team Atoms participated in the Mount Forest LL Tournament on February 13th and earned the Silver medal after 2 wins and a loss.
The team began their early day (after a late night of Olympic Opening Ceremonies for many) with a 3-2 win against Elora. Christian Kieffer was solid in net for Walkerton insuring the win for regular goalie Ben Schmidt who was unable to attend the first game as he was representing his school in a Basketball Free Throw Competition where he earned third place.
After this win the team was pumped to meet their rival and hosts, the Mount Forest Rams. Schmidt reclaimed his position in net and Keiffer added to the offence. Walkerton didn't take long to prove that they were here to win and had been waiting since their loss to Mount Forest in December to settle the score. With a great team effort and a 5-3 victory, Walkerton moved into the Championship Game.
The Thornton team proved to be a strong opponent and although Walkerton gave it their best effort they settled for the Silver with some pretty big smiles nevertheless.
Congratulations Prestige!