Mar 26, 2009 | kvaughan | 728 views
Game #2 Thursday March 26th
Walkerton @ Mildmay Win 4 - 2
Game #2 of this best of 5 have our McIntee Atom Rep Boys heading south on Hwy 9 to Mildmay. After a scoreless 1st period our Capitals struck first early in the second on a spinaround shot by Darian Beglaw. Drawing assists were Calvin Wilson and Lucas Bester. This lead held out until early in the 3rd period when Mildmay struck while on a PP to tie the game at 1. Not to be out done our boys answered right back on a nice goal by Lucas Bester assisted by Kyle Paulitzki. With just under 6 minutes to play Bailey Zettler netted one up on the top shelf, this time where his mom keeps the popcorn. Drawing an assist was Curtis Biesenthal. Just 11 seconds later Lucas Bester sealed the deal with a goal assisted by Kyle Vaughan. With just over a minute to play Mildmay got another one past us to come within 2, but ran out of time on their comeback bid. Come see us try to clinch the series Saturday at Home.