Apr 27, 2009 | Robert Mckenzie | 2462 views
Coach McKenzie Named Coach of the Year
Walkerton Minor Hockey named Robert McKenzie, the Head Coach of the Fritz Concrete Novice Rep team, the Coach of the Year for the Walkerton Rep Teams at the Minor Hockey Banquet held on April 26th.
All of the Fritz Concrete Novice Rep team players and coaching staff were in attendance at the year end Banquet when Coach McKenzie received the annual Coach of the Year Award honouring the Coach who contributed the greatest to a Team both on and off the ice. Rob McKenzie generously gave freely of his time and talent and took this team to the WOAA Championship which they won defeating BCH (Bayfield, Clinton- Hensall). Earlier in the season the team had won the Regional Silverstick Tournament and the Durham Rep Tournament. Coach McKenzie along with the other coaching staff of Don Leslie, Liam Quish, Jim Al and Scott Buehlow can also take credit for a perfect winning record in regular season play and a loss free record on home ice. This "team" of coaches and players was a winning combination!
Submitted by Bettyanne Cobean