Jan 23, 2011 | Kathy Young | 728 views
Atom Rep Girls Rolling Along
The Walkerton Knights of Columbus Atom Rep Girls are rolling through the schedule with another three games played recently. All the games have been fast paced and all of the girls have been contributing toward a total team effort.
Walkerton faced off against a mighty Saugeen Shores team. The girls showed great hustle and determination and saw many girls end up on the scoresheet. Two girls lead the way with three goals; Samantha H and Sophie B and a single marker went to Katie S. Making sure the girls had good scoring chances and adding assists were Brina H, Justine M, and Bailey T. Final score was 7 to 1 for the Walkerton team.
Our next game had the girls travelling to Markdale for a well fought game. Both teams were up for the challenge and had great action back and forth. The girls work hard in front off the net resulting in Sophie B getting two goals and Bailey T scoring the other one. Helping out with scoring chances were Stephanie Y and Emma F. Great defensive work to help Samantha H who made many great saves. The final score ended in a 3 to 3 tie.
Walkerton made the drive to play against TCDMHA and skated away with a 4 to 1 win. It was nice to have Jenna F back in the line up to help the girls out. The girls were working hard and Samanatha H lead the way with three goals and Sophie B added a helper. Great work from the defensive group of Emily E, Brooke S, Jenna F and Moira R for helping to stop many of the rushes.
Great Work Girls!!!