Nov 06, 2007 | mengel | 822 views
PWU plays first games
Bantam Boys
Local League
The season for the Power Workers Union (PWU) didn’t start out how the had hoped. They were facing Hanover in Hanover for their first game of the season, they opened the season with a lose 9 to 0. Despite the lose the whole team played as a team and learned from their mistakes.
The second game they played was the home opener against Saugeen Shores 1. This game was well played by PWU and won 5 to 1. The awesome plays from the goal scorers were #17 Derek Merchant with the hat-trick, #12 Derek Al and #7 Braden O’Hagan. The assist where from #18 Scott Markauskas, Braden O’Hagan, #9 Logan Kritz, #10 Keagan Engel and #8 Daniel Ritter. Some other great plays in the game where from #15 Justus Hickey with good puck rushing from our end. Another player that was out standing was #11 Steven Lang with good wing positioning, #16 Joseph Moran with some good tries at the goal even though he was denied and #14 Kyle Scheuerman with great puck handling skills. Nick Schmidt was serving a game suspension for hitting from behind in the last game against Hanover. The coaching is provided by Dennis O’Hagan as the coach, Jim Scheuerman trainer, Marilyn Engel manager of the team, Blair Engel assistant coach and Tim Moran Assistant Trainer.
As the two Walkerton teams hit the ice the rivalry between the teams was intense. It was a hard fought victory for PWU with the score 2 to 5. The scorers were #6 Nick Schmidt with the hat-trick, Keagan Engel and Scott Markauskas. The goal helpers were Braden O’Hagan with 2, Logan Kritz with 3, Nick Schmidt. Derek Al, Justus Hickey, Steven Lang, Derek Merchant, Joseph Moran, Daniel Ritter and Kyle Scheuerman all helped them win with great plays to allow them to maintain the lead throughout the game. Strong goal tending by Chris Flett was displayed in all three games played.
Our next home game will be Nov 11th at 12:00 against Mount Forest. Hope to see you there.