Dec 09, 2012 | erino | 852 views
RKS Electric Peewee Boys Defeat Kincardine at Home
On Sunday, December 9th, the RKS Electric Peewee boys took on Kincardine at home. From the start it was obvious that this was to be a very fast paced game. RKS came on strong with plenty of passing and teamwork resulting in a pass from Brett Wagner fired in by Landon Moore near the end of the period.
Jacob Weiler scored early in the second period assisted by Ty Arnold and Connor McTeer. Through the rest of the period Matt Markauskas and the defense presented a brick wall that Kincardine could not get by. With just seconds left Ethan Schmidt got another one for RKS assisted by Landon Moore making it 3-0 at the end of the second period.
Early in the third period Keaton Holm fired one blocker side up and over for an awesome goal assisted by Ty Arnold and Mason Stroeder. Towards the end of the game Landon Moore scored another one assisted by Brett Wagner and Ethan Schmidt. Landon Moore scored once more for the hat trick batting in a pass from Jacob Weiler, assisted by Connor McTeer. Kincardine managed to squeeze one in during the final few minutes of the game making the final score 6-1 for RKS.