Jan 23, 2008 | mmckee | 762 views
Easthill Novice vs Kincardin Atom January 23
Our Easthill girls laced up Wednesday evening to face off with Kincardine. We have been ready for our first regular season win, and we weren't dissappiointed tonight!
This Wednesday saw our goaltender, Georgina M, #30, playing centre for a game, and Ally B, #12 minding the net. Our girls came out strong, everyone playing thier position to the best of thier ability. The first period ended in a 0-0 tie. Midway through the second period a shot from defence Erika S, #7 from the blue line found the Kincardine goalie unprepared and slid right in the net. Our girls were up 1-0!!!
The rest of the game, the girls stayed right on the puck, in thier positions, hardly giving Kincardine a chance to even get a shot on net. The game ended in a 1-0 win for Easthill, giving Ally B, #12 a shutout in her first game in net!
Congrats girls, this was a well earned win!!! Keep up the good work, we'll see you on the ice in Blyth on Saturday morning!