Nov 03, 2007 | pleslie | 824 views
Leslie Motors Novice Season Opener
After a long anticipated wait, the Leslie Motors novice boys teams season finally began when Drayton came to town. This was drama at its finest as there was end to end action during all three periods. All of the players had fun and worked extremely hard but were unable to solve the Drayton netminder. The good news was Drew C. also was unstoppable, therefore, the teams skated to a 0-0 tie. Noah L. was all over the ice and had multiple breakaways but came away empty handed. Evan V. played stellar defence and also had some chances as well. Brett W., Thomas C., Jordan B., Michael M., and Tristan Z. all had great opening games on forward with Cody J., Ryan G., and Jayden L. standing tall on defence. The coaching staff were very pleased with the boys efforts and thought it was a great start to the Leslie Motors season.