Nov 11, 2007 | legionpw | 911 views
PeeWee's Travel to Goderich
The boys PeeWee Rep team recently travelled to Goderich and played an excellent game that ended in 3-3 tie.
The PeeWee's fell behind after 6:33 of the first period. They stormed right back as Josh Busby scored an unassisted goal on a great drive. Then 15 seconds later, the Legion boys fell behind again. About 6 minutes later, they put themselves behind by 2. The team was very determined and never gave up. With 2 and a half minutes gone in the 3rd period the PeeWee's Patrick Walsh (assisted by Josh Busby) buried one from the point. This put the PeeWee's down 3-2 with approximately 13 minutes left. They fought extremely hard and dug incredibly. Finally they were rewarded. Cam Wagner, assisted by Cole Alexander, scored at 9:58. The play was in Goderich's end for the rest of the game. Chances here, chances there, but the boys could not buy the winning goal. They deserved the win but settled for a 3-3 tie. Wesley Cameron made a couple of huge saves and Mitchell Eckert played solid defence along with Cal Schaus, Patrick Walsh and Darren Paulitzki. Solid offence was provided by Josh Busby, Cam Wagner, Cole Alexander, Adam Lindblad, Paul Lindblad and Cory Paulitzki. They can't wait for the game on Wednesday November 14 when Goderich travels to Walkerton.