Jan 23, 2008 | kcassidy | 915 views
BDO Victory Over Hanover
BDO Midgets travel to Hanover Jan.17th and skated to 7-3 win.....
Geoff Dentinger led the scoring for BDO picking up 2 goals and 2 assists. Two periods of shutout hockey by Jake Elliott had Walkerton up 4-0. The two teams traded goals in the third period for a final score of 7-3. Josh Elliott ,Braydon Berberick,Scott Sedlemier Matt Zeigler and Curtis Robson also scored for BDO. Assists in the game went to Berberick,Sedlemier, Ethan Kittel with 2, Kyle Parks, Will Huemiller,Justin Wright and Keith Anstet with 2. Elliott picked up the win stopping 18 shots. Up coming home game Jan.27 vs Hanover at 7:30pm. See ya at the rink!!