Sep 27, 2023 | Luke Snider | 492 views
2023/2024 - U11 AE Tryout #2
I'd like to thank everyone for coming out to the first tryout. I was very impressed with the effort put forth. Regardless of the outcome, players should be proud that they gave it their all.
It appears one jersey was missing after the first tryout. Please double check your bags and let me know if you have it.
Anyone on the list below please attend the second tryout on Saturday, September 30th at 10:00 am.
Those who are not on the list please attend the first LL skate on Saturday, September 30th at 3:15 pm.
Luke Snider
Isaac Avedesian
Knox Batte
Logan Beitz
Anson Coleman
Luke Countryman-Sacs
Nalen Fraser
Parker Freiburger
Ben Fullerton
Tye Girodat
Evan Hawkins
Owen Henhoeffer
Braxton Hopkins
Jackson Howe
Hayden Keller
Kane Koebel
Tanner Lang
Alex Mullen
Brady Patterson
Nathan Snider
Nolan Spitzig
Colton Voisin
Cole Wright