Jan 01, 2009 | kcassidy | 1380 views
Dental Center Midgets 2-3 in Last 5
Lack of scoring hurts team in last 5 games........
Dentat Center Midgets defeated Mt Forest 6-0, also beat Mildmay 5-3 than lost 3-0 to Goderich, 5-1to Saugeen Shores and 4-2 to Arran Elderslie in an exhibition game. With playoffs just around the corner the coaching staff hopes for some better luck around the net. Check our home page for updated scoring results for the month of Dec. Future games for the team are Jan. 2/09 7:30pm in Paisley vs Arran Elderslie, Sat. 3/09 in Mt Forest at 4:45pm as part of the Reeves Cup. We still have a make up game vs Mildmay. Players and Staff wish the Ernewein Juvs. best of luck at Silver Stick.
See Ya At The Rink!!