WMH Picture Nights, News (Walkerton Minor Hockey Association)

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Nov 25, 2019 | Greg Bester | 1690 views
WMH Picture Nights
We ask all teams to be there and ready to go 10-15min prior to their time. If possible can players dress/undress in full equipment at home as dressing room availability maybe be limited. 
Please have all players in Blue jersey and blue socks. Coaches, their will be envelopes in your mail boxes shortly for you to hand out to your players. 

Dates / Times / Teams are below:

Dec 10

6:00  IP Sr1

6:20  IP Sr2

6:40  Mite

7:00  Novice LL2

7:20  Atom Rep

7:40  Atom LL

8:00  Bantam Girls Lower Lakes

8:20  Bantam Girls WOAA

8:40  Midget Rep

Dec 11

5:30  Atom Girls Lower Lakes

6:00  Minor Novice 1

6:20  Minor Novice 2

6:40  IP Jr. 3

7:00  Novice Rep

7:20  Atom Girls WOAA

7:40  Peewee Girls WOAA

8:00  Peewee LL

8:20  Bantam LL

8:40  Midget Girls WOAA


Dec 16

5:30  Atom LL2

6:00  IP Jr.1

6:20  IP Jr. 2

6:40  Novice Girls Rep

7:00  Novice LL1

7:20  Midget Girls Lower Lakes

7:40  Peewee Girls Lower Lakes

8:00  Peewee Rep

8:20  Bantam Rep

8:40  Midget LL

Weber's Electric
Peewee Local League Boys
Bantam Rep Girls
Leo Al Contracting
Peewee Local League Girls
Fritz Construction
Novice Rep Boys
Walkerton Collision
Atom Local League Boys #1
Power Worker's
Bantam Local League Boys