For players wishing to tryout at our next nearest A (Owen Sound) or AA (Centre Wellington - Fergus) centres for the 2014-15 season, you must first get a 2014-15 Non Resident Player Passport from WMHA. Please note that AA and A player movement is only permitted for Minor Peewee and above. You must select either AA or A, you cannot tryout for both. If the player is not successful in securing one of the 3 NRP spots permitted by each A and AA centre per age group, they must return to WMHA for the 2014-15 season. The tryouts begin in those centres at the end of April, please consult their respective websites for details.
For AAA, you must get a Permission to Skate form from WMHA in order to tryout. Our AAA region is Grey-Bruce. Those tryouts begin this week. You are able to tryout for AAA and then for AA or A, per the guidelines above.
For more information on player movement regulations or required forms, please contact Kevin Mackey at 519 507-4456 or
[email protected].