2013 - 2014 Hockey Registration Dates - Update!, News (Walkerton Minor Hockey Association)

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Apr 26, 2013 | kvaughan | 3074 views
2013 - 2014 Hockey Registration Dates - Update!
Hello everyone,
I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather we have had the last week or so. I realize hockey season is over and everyone is gearing up for baseball, soccer, golf, or even sprucing up the flower beds but I wanted to pass along our 3 dates for hockey registration for the 2013/2014 season. They are the following:
May 21st
June 18th
July 16th
They will be held downstairs at the Walkerton Library from 6:30pm to 8pm.

2013-2014 registration costs.pdf

I have attached the fees for this year. You can also view them on our website, www.walkertonminorhockey.ca. I wanted you to note 2 additional changes from previous years. This year there is no early bird discount but rather a late charge of $100 after the last date of July 16th. You may also post date cheques until the July 16th date as well. The second change is a mandatory fundraising cheque for $200 post dated to October 1st of this year. This is a charge per family, not per child, in the case where you have 2 or more children in hockey. You will have the ability to sell product to get your $200 back. The dates will also be in the Cargill News, the Walkerton Herald, the Hanover Post, and posted on our website. Please pass this e-mail on to anyone you know that does not have e-mail as well.

I also wanted to pass along 2 other important dates. They are the following:
May 21st is our Annual General Meeting. It will start immediately after registration which ends at 8pm. Please come out and hear our executive reports and if you have any questions this would be a great night to ask them. All executive positions for the 2013/2014 year will be voted on that night as well.
July 15th will be the due date for coaches applications and team coaches will be announced by August 1st. We will have coaches applications at the registration nights and you can also find them on our website.

Thanks and I hope to see everyone out on May 21st,

Don Leslie
Walkerton Minor Hockey
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